Defining the travel experience for employees

Multitravel, a product of Multinet, provides corporate companies within MultinetUp and companies with a large number of employees traveling with more control over their business-related travel and services.
For Companies Want to Operate Travels Easily
Corporative companies that are in the body of Multinet Up, companies that a lot of their workers travel, who want more control over their business travels, and who want to operate their business-related travels easily are their main target.

We Identified Pros and Cons of Similar Companies
There are a few players in the sector that gives these kinds of services. We reviewed their websites, corporate IDs, user interfaces, and approaches. And we identified their pros and cons. We aimed that its users have the best experience when they purchase flight tickets online and companies operate their business-related travels easily.
It Made Us See Our Improvable Points
The front-end design we worked on this project made us see the points where we got struggled. This helped us with our next projects.