A rewarding system for companies to reward their emloyees
Design of Multiflex mobile app, a product of Multinet. Companies can create rewarding systems to reward their employees with various gifts and money points.
Customizable Rewards
Multiflex makes it easy to reward your employees with its advanced infrastructure. Companies easily customize rewards and give them to their employees.
Flawless Gift Management
Multiflex can have many gifts and employees can receive them in unlimited quantities. Therefore, there can be many screens dedicated to each gift, showing their current status, such as time and amount remaining. We have designed the wallets so that a user can view multiple balances in one wallet.
It's a Smooth Process
The wallets have many features, at the converting stages we encountered a few issues, solving those was a bit challenging. Other than this, the process is proceeding properly, we're working to make it up and running flawlessly.